If you incorrectly claimed certain expenses to itemize your deductions or you accidentally included or left out a dependent, you should file an amended return to correct the errors. This could prevent problems later, like notices or an IRS audit.
The amendment process with Taxmania is easy. Follow the instructions detailed below:
- Go to the filed return.
- Go to the padlock (in the upper section on the right-hand side) and press Unlock Return.
- On the next screen, confirm that you want to Unlock the Return.
- Note: If the Return was Accepted when filed, you will need to file the amendment via paper mail. Otherwise, you can file the return electronically.
- Proceed to make the changes in the Return.
- Print the return.
- At the top right, you need to manually type Amendment.
Instructions to send the paper form via mail:
If you are not including a check or a money order, send your U.S. tax return and all attachments to:
Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Austin, TX 73301-0215 USA
If you are including a check or a money order, send your U.S. tax return and all attachments to:
Internal Revenue Service
P.O. Box 1303
Charlotte, NC 28201-1303 USA