By Thalia Sevilla
1. Why can't I edit Schedule R?
Schedule R is used as a reconciliation statement for all Schedules R1 submitted by the taxpayer and to reflect the distributable share on profits of partnerships, special partnerships, and corporations of individuals.
2. What are the differences between Schedule B2, B2.1, and B2.2?
These schedules are used to claim the American Opportunity Credit. Schedule B2.1 and B2.2 are only on the 2020 return.
- Schedule B2.1 is to claim the credit for 2018.
- Schedule B2.2 is to claim the credit for 2019.
- Schedule B2 is to claim the credit for 2020.
3. How can I import the withholdings to the Schedules that apply?
Once the withholdings have been created, you must go to the Schedule and press the Import Withholding button. The system will automatically transfer all information and/or indicate if you are not eligible and the reason. Schedules with the option to Import are those that apply, such as J, K, L, M and N.
4. How can I delete Schedules which are filled automatically or do not have the button to remove the schedule?
The schedules are completed according to the answers to the questionnaire and the withholding that you submit, so they cannot be eliminated.
5. What do I do if I want to assign the part of the dependent (for tax purposes) to the person with whom I have joint custody?
Schedule CH must be completed. This schedule allows you to grant your taxable part of the dependent so that the other party can claim 100% of the deductions of said dependent.
Does your question not appear here? Access the article "12 frequently asked questions when filing your return".
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